why is america trying to ban tiktok

Tiktok is a social platform for to make short video.But American president always against Chinese products.why is america trying to ban tiktok.
 In starting he saying that Chinese stealing tiktok users data base.President Donald Trump siad i will ban the tiktok soon. AS the American policy they will ban the tiktok soon or Buy it.

America always given to standards to their citizens or residents. As  simple they will not give up with Chinese.There is political issues with China .America believe that once they boycott or ban Chinese products then Chinese economy will go down and they will not do anything. China is global rising power right now.They have a strong economy and manpower.America afraid that they will something noy to do.

There is global politics also compare with Chinese rising power and American and their alliance are scared about China.The white is sure that president Trump have sure motivation he will ban the tiktok.There is several issue with China and their Alliance. Business, politics, war policy. 

President Donald Trump mention that Tiktok share user data to China government. America try to secure their citizens and residents personal data.

Microsoft confirms that they trying to buy Tiktok

Microsoft confirms that they are trying to buy Tiktok as per President Donald Trump given a ultimatum to buy a tiktok. There is Trump giving their company to buy Tiktok. But it will not success because of China aggressive to about.China already condemns about that to nobody can’t to buy their tiktok share.America always feeling unsecured to their enemy policy.Nowdays their headache is China.They are global rising power they doing something that will across the America soon.America trying to their level best to stop the China but now America have some major issue to boycott America or buy their companies even their alliance also supporting to in this issue.Microsoft can't do their self if Trump not supporting them and solve to issues. Most of countries have to decide they will do then only America can go ahead by this agenda.                               

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