Election is a giving your opinion and select your leaders who can lead your country or present your country in world-wide.USA(United states of America) is most powerful country in our earth. This country leader or president can change world politics place to their leadership. American election 2020 is coming near. American election will held on 3 November 2020 between both historical team democrats candidate Joe Biden and Republican president Donald Trump. 

Trump will win  again 2020

Because you are not paranoid it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.Donald Trump is fond of making extravagant attacks on the media for peddling fake news. While we try to make familiar with presidential hyperbole most of the TV networks in the US are unsympathetic in him to their coverage.A pollster doesn’t make the election result. 
As write recent polls have shown president Trump trailing his  democrats opponent Joe Biden by around 10 points.There is Rasmussen polls shown that 3 points gap.But on other hand Quinnipiac University polls shown has Joe Biden ahead by 15 points.Its true that due to American electoral system last time president Trump win the election  even Hillary Clinton wins the majority polls.
There is some difficulty for president Donald Trump to this current corona virus pandemic. Due to pandemic American economy is going to down and Trump trying to save it.There is 36.7 millions people’s are jobless in America.But starting the pandemic Trump always again lockdown the country he believed that if mocked going to like that then country economy will go down.Those reason  Trump can avoid his lose in election. 

President Donald Trump was well suited as an insurgent. He given message that a weak leadership was leaving Americans vulnerable to crime, terrorism, illegal immigration and unfair trade deal’s resonated.Now he is seeking to downplay due to corona virus to given order to on going economy. Its very difficult to him because America held the most death in corona virus.

So far as his personal qualities are concerned, Trump is the least “presidential” president we have ever seen. Some will find his brashness and boastfulness entertaining and candid. Others, including some who voted for him as a protest, might rub their eyes and conclude that for him to be in the White House is some sort of extraordinary accident.
As polling is coming to near voters will focus on weather will be on favourable or unfavourable to Trump and more on the between both candidate Donald Trump and Joe Biden. There is also matter age that Trump is 74 and Biden 77 years old.Lets think American try to selected a old man this time.Because Biden is old and wise man.He is a former vice president to democrats.

Joe Biden has a good chance of becoming a surprisingly activist president

American election to near it will held on 3 November 2020.American oldest and historical 2 team Democrats candidate Joe Biden and Republican president Donald Trump.Joe Biden is a for vice president for American democrats. He is very wise and  old.American can select him for good leadership? Democrats electoral select Joe Biden as democrats president  candidate .There is so many polls have shown that Joe Biden going to Win the 2020 election. He has a clean politics career and there is no scandal like a Hillary Clinton. Last time she lose the election for email scandal. But this time Mr Joe Biden has no any scandal or bad politics image.

That’s why democrats people’s have very hope that Joe Biden will win this time,And they can history again because American history saying that American people’s most time reselect their leader or president. There is huge chance for Biden that all polls in his favor.

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